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An ordinance enacting new service charges for garbage collection

Interested persons will take note that the Village Council of Yellow Springs on Monday, Sept. 21, 2015, gave first reading to an ordinance, text to follow.

Council will consider said ordinance for a second reading and a public hearing to begin at 7:00 p.m., Monday, Oct. 5, 2015, in the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton St.

Whereas, the Village has a contract with Rumpke Waste, Inc. for solid waste rates and yard waste collection; and

Whereas, the Rumpke contract has increased the cost for garbage stickers and lawn bags; and

Whereas, current charges set forth by the Codified Ordinances will fail to meet the financial obligations of these increased charges by Rumpke and the cost associated with providing said service; and

Whereas, it is Village Council’s intent to amend Section 1060.05 of the Codified Ordinances to meet the aforementioned financial obligations.


Section 1. That Section 1060.05 Service Charges of Chapter 1060 Storage and Collection of Garbage and Other Wastes of Title Six Other Public Services of Part Ten Streets, Utilities and Public Services of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio be repealed.

Section 2. That a new section 1060.05 Service Charges of Chapter 1060 Storage and Collection of Garbage and Other Wastes of Title Six Other Public Services of Part Ten Streets, Utilities and Public Services of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio be enacted to read as follows with new language in bold and text to be deleted in strikeout:

Section 1060.05 SERVICE CHARGES

(a)   Charges.

(1)   The base charges for the collection and disposal of garbage, refuse and/or recyclables shall be in accordance with the following monthly rate schedule. (Note: the references to quantities below are exclusive of the supplemental volume of bulk items from residential premises and/or the volume of recyclables from recycling bins provided to all customers.)

Monthly Charge per Volume of Garbage Collected Weekly
Effective Date: 1/1/15

Not more than
35 gallons
Not more than
65  gallons
Not more than
120  gallons
Not more than
150 gallons
Not more than
180 gallons
Not more than
240 gallons
more than
270 gallons
more than
300 gallons
$11.96 $13.11 $14.26 $26.22 $27.37 $28.52 $40.48 $41.63

The fuel surcharge will be adjusted on a monthly basis based on the Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration (DOE/EIA) highway diesel price index reading for the Midwest region on the last Monday of the month. A fuel surcharge will be added to the monthly rates in accordance with the fuel surcharge table attached to Ordinance 2015-13. 2014-26.  2008-07.

(2)The Village Manager is authorized to provide for the occasional collection of extra containers from householders and commercial operators on the basis of a “container charge” of two dollars ($2.00) two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each yard waste bag and one dollar and twenty-five ($1.25) cents one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for each extra trash sticker. The Village Manager shall provide the rules. This shall include a monthly yard waste program.

(3)All surcharges incurred by the Village for the disposal of vehicle tires, appliances containing chlorofluorocarbon, etc., shall be billed at cost.

(4)One-time collections and special services (e.g., large volume users, multiple collections per week, off-street commercial collections, etc.) shall be billed at the costs incurred by the Village plus a 10% processing fee.

(5)The Village shall provide an annual clean-up to customers of the Village Solid Waste Service. The Village Manager shall establish rules and the time of the clean-up. The cost of the service shall be an additional annual fee, set annually by Council, per account, to be billed separately on the bill or a notice.

(b)Payment. The service charges of this section shall be due and payable on or before the fifteenth day of the month in which bills are rendered. A delayed payment charge of 5% shall be added to any bill paid after the due date. Delinquent accounts shall be certified from time to time to the County Auditor by the Village Manager or his or her designee for collection as other Village property taxes pursuant to Ohio R.C. 735.29.

Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force at the earliest date permitted by law.

Karen Wintrow, President



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