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Yellow Springs Public Notices

Village Council Regular Meeting • Sept. 8

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— Public Notice —

Village Council Regular Meeting
Virtual Meeting • Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020 at 7 p.m.

PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with Sub. HB 197, this meeting will be held as a remote meeting. The public is not permitted to access Council Chambers during the meeting.


Anyone can observe the meeting via YouTube (Community Access Yellow Springs), Facebook or by contacting If you would like to make a live statement or otherwise participate, please contact Judy Kintner ( or 937-767-9126) to arrange via the Zoom meeting platform. Please be advised that if you wish to participate, you MUST identify yourself and your contact information as it will be part of the public record created from the meeting. No unidentified statements or commentary from platforms other than Zoom will be read into the minutes of the meeting or responded to in real time. Council may establish reasonable uniform limitations on public participation, including time restrictions for comments.




CONSENT AGENDA (7:10 p.m.)
• Minutes of August 17, 2020 Regular Session
• Minutes of August 19, 2020 Special Meeting

• Second Reading of Ordinance 2020-15 Repealing Section 242.01 “Composition; Classification” of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio and Enacting New Section 242.01 “Composition; Classification”: (Community Outreach Specialist)
• Second Reading of Ordinance 2020-16 Decriminalizing Marijuana in the Village of Yellow Springs
• First Reading of Ordinance 2020-17 Amending the Zoning Code Map
• Emergency Reading of Ordinance 2020-18 Amending Section 1060.06 Service Charges of; Chapter 1060-Storage and Collection of Garbage and Other Services; of Title Six-Other Public Services; of Part Ten-Streets, Utilities and Public Services of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio
• Reading of Resolution 2020-37 Adopting a Resolution of Services to be Provided for Proposed Annexation of Approximately 33 Acres North of East Hyde Road and West of Spillan Road
• Reading of Resolution 2020-38 Accepting Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and Authorizing the Necessary Tax Levies and Certifying them to the County Auditor
• Reading of Resolution 2020-39 Authorizing the Village Manager to Submit a FEMA Grant Application


OLD BUSINESS (8:15 p.m.)
• Update on Meaningful Action re: Anti-Racism and Justice (Housh: 15 min.)
• Update Regarding Village Charter Amendment Ballot Issue (Housh: 5 min.)
• Finance Committee recommendations re: CARES Act Funds (Salmerón: 10 min.)
• Manager’s Update on Village Wastewater Treatment Services (Salmerón: 10 min.)

NEW BUSINESS (8:55 p.m.)
• Council Goals and Legislative Priorities/Processes Check-In (Housh: 10 min)
• Environmental Commission Recommendations: Apartment Recycling and Naturalized Landscaping as Defined in General Offenses Code (MacQueen: 5 min.)

MANAGER’S REPORT (9:10 p.m.)

Sept. 21:
• Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2020-17 Amending the Zoning Code Map
• First Reading of Ordinance 2020-19 Terminating a Conservation Easement for the Purpose of Allowing Tecumseh Land Trust to Engage in a Conservation Easement with the Property Owner
Oct. 5:
• Second Reading and Public Hearing of Ordinance 2020-19 Terminating a Conservation Easement for the Purpose of Allowing Tecumseh Land Trust to Engage in a Conservation Easement with the Property Owner
• Ordinance 2020-XX NINE ORDINANCES Approving Subdivision Regulations for the Village Zoning Code Regarding Stormwater Management
• Ordinance 2020-XX Approving Proposed Text Amendments to the Village Zoning Code
Oct. 19:
• Ordinance 2020-XX Approving Proposed Text Amendments to the Village Zoning Code

* Future Agenda items are noted for planning purposes only and are subject to change.


The next regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Yellow Springs will be held as a virtual meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 21, 2020

This is not a complete agenda and is subject to change.

Materials relevant to this agenda are available in the John Bryan Community Center lobby and at the Yellow Springs library. Documents for consideration by Council must arrive by 10 a.m. on the Friday prior to Monday’s meeting. Documents may be left with the police department, utility office or the Clerk of Council’s office.

The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk of Council’s Office at 937-767-9126 or via e-mail at for more information.


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