
Articles About annexation

  • Village Council to amend zoning code

    At Village Council’s regular meeting Monday, April 17, Council members heard two proposed ordinances to amend the Village zoning code.

  • Business park’s widened road elicits concern

    The Village of Yellow Springs is considering a plan to create a new entrance off Dayton-Yellow Springs Road directly into the Center for Business and Education (CBE), the new business park created by Community Resources on the west edge of the village. Though the authority to approve the intersection rests with the Greene County Engineer, Village Council will discuss the proposal when the park, which was annexed into the village in 2005, comes up for approval as a subdivision later this year.

  • Council considers revised land use plan

    The often contentious issue of annexation sparked conflict between Council members during the July 6 meeting of Village Council. At issue was the language in the Yellow Springs Comprehensive Plan, which was recently revised by Planning Commission. The plan, which is the land use plan for the village, is revised by the planners and submitted for Council approval every five to seven years.

  • Study recommends annex; Council seeks feedback

    Village Council is seeking feedback from villagers on an analysis of the proposed annexation of the Fogg farm property, according to Village Manager Eric Swansen at Council’s meeting on Jan. 2. Village staff members will use the feedback to help guide discussion at a special Jan. 29 Council meeting on the Fogg farm annexation proposal.

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