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Articles About impact hub

  • In 80s, incubator boosted businesses in Yellow Springs

    One of Village government’s first attempts at revving up the economy involved hiring villagers Vicki Morgan and Phyllis Schmidt in 1986 as Yellow Springs Associates, in an attempt to improve the image of Yellow Springs to surrounding communities.

  • Proposing an ‘Impact Hub’ in village — New entrepreneurial model

    Antioch College Alumni Board member Roger Husbands of northern California is spending three months in Yellow Springs to drum up interest in launching an Impact Hub, a new model of collaborative small business development. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    As befits one who spent his formative years at Antioch College, Roger Husbands in his life has reinvented himself, and his career, at regular intervals. The new thing that Husbands wants to start now is an Impact Hub in Yellow Springs.

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