
Village Life Section :: Page 21

  • Chuckleheads

    A cabal of area comedians descended on the Peach’s Grill stage for a comedy show on — funnily enough — April Fool’s Day, last Saturday, April 1.

  • Down to Earth | Pandemic pastimes: Do they last?

    “Now is the time to get on the move to find your seeds for this year’s planting season. But there are other means of getting your seeds. Watch for local seed and plant swaps and sales.”

  • The Patterdale Hall Diaries | Welcome to orientation

    “How do I heat the house, maintain stability in the Yellow Springs house and teach four classes in the spring? It’s not all me of course. It’s us.”

  • The Patterdale Hall Diaries | How it all began

    “When we bought this place, we bought more than 1.8 acres of woodland and vegetable beds — we discovered a place that had been loved. Really, really loved. You cannot ignore that. It resonates. It thrums.”

  • Donate to relocation fund for East Palestine family

    Following a Feb. 3 freight train derailment that was carrying hazardous materials, and a resulting chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio, village resident Jenny Johnson established a fundraiser to help relocate a family who lived a quarter mile away from the wreckage.

  • Bread and Roses

    Occurring each year on March 8, International Women’s Day is a global celebration of women, underscoring women’s rights and calling attention to issues affecting women all over the world, including equality and reproductive rights.

  • Yellow Springs nonprofit Agraria announces furloughs, hiatus

    Yellow Springs nonprofit and educational farm Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice has announced a hiatus of its operations and programs effective Thursday, Feb. 16., and all employees — about 30 — have been put on a three-month furlough.

  • My Name Is Iden | How to say I love you

    My Name is Iden

    “Love is the center point from which we chart all other human emotion. We owe it to each other, and to ourselves, to recapture and appreciate anew the great gift it is to be able to give and receive love.”

  • Building Community | Sharing a lifetime of soaring

    During a recent interview with the News, village residents and co-founders of The Jael Group, or TJG, Steven and Jalyn Roe, often mentioned a spiritual concept related to “the way”: an opening, path, direction, even a process that at times means finding “a way out of no way.”

  • Little Peace Conferences envision post-war peace

    At a time of war, a small Ohio village and the college within it also thought of peace. These thoughts focused on how things should be once the Second World War ended and to be ready for it when it was over.

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