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Request For Proposals

Request For Proposals: Water And Sewer Mains Engineering/Design
Village Of Yellow Springs, Ohio

The Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio seeks a highly qualified engineering design firm or individual to perform detailed design work for a project to install new water and sewer mains.

Project description:
The Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio intends to install new water and sewer mains beneath a local street known as “Railroad Street”, adjacent with the Little Miami Scenic [bike] Trail. The Water main will extend from a connection with an existing main in Dayton St. on the south to a connection with an existing main in Cliff St. on the north, a distance of pproximately 550 linear feet. The sewer main will extend from a connection to an existing main in Dayton St. on the south, to a point approximately 300 linear feet to the north. Possible shallow bedrock will need to be considered, and at least one existing storm sewer will need to be avoided. Survey work will be needed.

Interested firms or individuals should submit:
• Complete cost proposal for development and production of a bid packet.
• Names and qualifications of staff or subcontractors who may work on the project.
• A list of successfully completed projects of similar scope and cost completed in the past three years.

Send completed proposals to:
Laura Curliss, Village Manager (Interim)
Village of Yellow Springs
100 Dayton St.
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387

Proposals received no later than Wednesday, May 23, 2012 will be opened and read aloud in a public venue at 12:00 P.M. Proposals received after that date and time will not be considered. The Village of Yellow Springs reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder will be the lowest and best bid in the judgment of the selection committee.

By submitting a bid, bidders assure that their bids will remain valid for a period of 60 days.
Please direct inquiries to:
Ed Amrhein
Village of Yellow Springs
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387
Tel: 937-767-3702

Laura Curliss, Village Manager (Interim)


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