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Chris Glaser's snow buddha sits patiently and at peace in the cold, as only the buddha could do. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

Chris Glaser's snow buddha sits patiently and at peace in the cold, as only the buddha could do. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

The buddha’s cold smile

Local artist and contractor Chris Glaser took advantage of nature’s building materials last week when he sculpted a likeness of a meditative Buddha from snow and ice.

The sculpture sat contentedly on Glaser’s front lawn on Cemetery Street, teaching a tacit lesson of patience with the brutal cold. With the coming warm, however, there’s also a lesson in impermanence to be gleaned.

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One Response to “The buddha’s cold smile”

  1. TheChangeling says:

    I love these photographs!

    That said.

    I’d like to find an informal study group for Allan Kardec’s works. Would anyone in YS be interested in forming such a thing? His major works are available in PDF format online and I’ve found some YouTube videos and find the theories fascinating. I’ll share the following quote which is not unlike village philosophies:

    “The True Spiritist is not the one who believes in the manifestation, but the one who benefits from the teachings given by Spirits. Belief is of no use if it does not make one take a step forward on the path of progress and make one better towards their neighbor.” ~Allan Kardec; Spiritism in the simplest Expression.

    Peace, Love and have a great Halloween. Let’s do a group!

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