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Articles About snow

  • Village offers snow removal tips ahead of winter storm

    With 5 to 8 inches of snow forecast for Yellow Springs on Saturday, the Village of Yellow Springs offered some tips on staying safe and helping with snow removal.

  • Say it ain’t snow!

    Springtime beauties at Mills Lawn School were blanketed by unexpected snow. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    On March 23, weather over Yellow Springs gave one final frigid kick.

  • Making the call for calamity days

    During this exceptionally cold and snowy winter, Yellow Springs School Superintendent Mario Basora has closed local schools eight times, three more than the state’s maximum of five calamity days per school year without having to make up the days.

  • The buddha’s cold smile

    Chris Glaser's snow buddha sits patiently and at peace in the cold, as only the buddha could do. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Local artist and contractor Chris Glaser took advantage of nature’s building materials last week when he sculpted a likeness of a meditative Buddha from snow and ice.

  • Slippery slope

    Polly and Carl Cordell’s grandson, Cory, visiting from Westerville, took advantage of the warmer weather and went sledding with his dog, Nala, and father, Cary. (Photo by Suzanne Szempruch)

    A heat wave of sorts on Sunday, with a high of 39 degrees, made for a perfect day to enjoy the hill at Gaunt Park. Polly and Carl Cordell’s grandson, Cory, visiting from Westerville, took advantage of the warmer weather and went sledding with his dog, Nala, and father, Cary. See more sledding photos on […]

  • Yellow Springs schools cancel evening activities for Friday, Jan. 17

    The Yellow Springs Schools Board of Education announced at 2 p.m. today that all evening activities are canceled due to snow. Sports games may be rescheduled; please check notifications and calendars for updates.

  • A study in white

    Snow started falling late Monday night and continued thoughout the early morning hours, transforming everything in the process. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    The transformative power of snow shows us a different set of details.

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