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Amending an Ordinance Permitting on Site Generation of Solar or Wind Power in Zones

Amending an Ordinance Permitting on Site Generation of Solar or Wind Power in Zones
ORDINANCE NO. 2012-14, Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio

Interested persons will take note that the Village Council of Yellow Springs on Monday, June 4, 2012, gave first reading to an ordinance, text to follow.

Council will consider said ordinance for second reading and possible passage into law during a public hearing to begin at 7:10 p.m. Monday, June 18, 2012, in the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street.

Amending Section 1042.01(a)(2) of the Codified Ordinances Permitting up to 50kW On Site Generation of Solar or Wind Power in Educational Institution Zones

WHEREAS, The Village Council has adopted Section 1042.01(a)(2) of the Village Codified Ordinances permitting net metering of electric generated on-site by solar or wind power; and

WHEREAS, the Village desires to permit the on-site (connected to a building) generation of electricity from solar or wind power in an amount not to exceed 50KW for buildings located in Educational Institution Zones;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio hereby ordains that:

Section 1. The following language shall be added to Section 1042.01(a)(2) as follows (new language in bold): “Type of service. Single-phase, sixty hertz, at seller’s standard secondary voltages. Net metering (an interactive interconnection between the standard kilowatt hour meter capable of registering the flow of electricity in both directions) is allowed when on-site generating capacity does not exceed 25 KW (kilowatts) and is derived from solar and/or wind power. For buildings located in Educational Institution Zones, on-site solar and/or wind generation capacity shall not exceed 50 KW.

Section 2. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to the Home Rule powers of the Village pursuant to Article XVIII, Section 7 of the Ohio Constitution. All actions relating to this Ordinance were adopted at a duly called public meeting in conformance with the Ohio Open Meetings Law.

Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective at the earliest date allowed by law.

Judith Hempfling, President


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