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Village Council Meeting Agenda

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Village Council Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015, 7 p.m.

Council Chambers, second floor
Bryan Community Center

Comments from the Public are welcomed at two different times during the course of the meeting:

(1) Comments on items not on the Agenda will be heard under Citizens Concerns, and (2) Comments on all items listed on the Agenda will be heard during Council’s consideration of said item. A Sign-In sheet will be made available on the small table at the rear of the Council Chambers. Please write your name and the topic you wish to discuss.

Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015, Council will hold a SPECIAL MEETING for the purpose of interviewing finalists for the Law Director position for the Village of Yellow Springs. Those firms will present as follows:

Bricker & Eckler 6 p.m.
Frost Brown Todd 7 p.m.
Coolidge Wall 8 p.m.

HRC Open House: Thursday Jan. 29, 7-9 p.m.

• Reading of Resolution 2015-02 Approving Dues for Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission for 2015

• Fur ther Discussion Regarding Proposal for Glass Farm Ecological Development (NFWF Grant Proposal)
• 2015 Council Goals Discussion
• Update Regarding Streamlining of Board and Commission Language
• Review of Law Director Interview Questions
• Special Meeting with Miami Township Trustees (3/23 or 3/30)

• Discussion re: Sidewalk Policy
• Nomination of Charter Review Committee Members
• Liaison with School Board

• Discussion Regarding Utility Delinquencies (2/2/15)
• Discussion Regarding Amending Tap-In Fees
• Recommendation from Planning Commission Re: Amending
Zoning Permit Fees
• Direction for Economic Sustainability Commission (AVM)
• Quarterly Budget Review (4/20/15; 7/20/15; 10/19/15)
• Bi-Annual Goal Review (July)

This is not a complete agenda and is subject to change.

Materials relevant to this agenda are available in the John Bryan Community Center lobby and at the Yellow Springs library. Documents for consideration by Council must arrive by 10 a.m. on the Friday prior to Monday’s meeting. Documents may be left with the police dept., utility office or the Clerk of Council’s office.

The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. The Council meeting is wheelchair accessible. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk of Council’s Office at 767-9126 or via e-mail at for more information.


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