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Public Hearing Board of Zoning Appeals

Village of Yellow Springs, Board of Zoning Appeals

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on the following variance request in the R-B, Moderate Density Residential District; to exceed the maximum height of eighteen (18) feet by four (4) feet in order to heighten an existing accessory structure to twenty-two (22) feet for the purpose of creating a storage area over the garage.

The application has been submitted by the owners of:

130 North Walnut Street (Michael and Carol McKeever) –Parcel ID#F19000100110026900.
A PUBLIC HEARING FOR A variance request WILL BE HELD ON the above application:
DATE: Wednesday, April 26, 2017
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Council Chambers, 2nd floor, Bryan Center, 100 Dayton St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387

This notice provides you and every other interested party the opportunity to appear or have input at the hearing.  You may come in person or have someone appear on your behalf.  You may express your views in writing by providing a copy to the Clerk of Council for inclusion in the record of the hearing. A copy of the permit application may be examined at the Council Chambers, or at the office of the Zoning Administrator both in the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Questions regarding the application, zoning code or procedures may be directed to the Zoning Administrator Denise Swinger, phone (937) 767-1702 or by email to

Denise Swinger, Zoning Administrator


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