Articles About My Name Is Iden
My Name Is Iden | Searching for stillness
“Now, I think about warmth because I know cold. Now, I think about quiet because I know noise. That is waking. That is living.”
My Name Is Iden | Back up, one step at a time
“Friendships, romances, careers, children, writing and creating all take effort, and when you are depressed, that energy isn’t there, and that effort just doesn’t feel worth it.”
My Name Is Iden | What’s in a dead name?
“What would it be like to watch yourself die? To be at the bedside, holding your own hand for your final breath?”
My Name Is Iden | Sometimes, it’s enough
“Years of telling myself, every day, that I was a failure. That what I’d given of myself had made no difference. I hadn’t realized how badly I needed those words: ‘Baby, it was enough.'”
My Name Is Iden | One inch at a time
Ask yourself, “Where is the fight?” It isn’t at the finish line. It is one step past the last.
My Name Is Iden | Put aside your judgement
“Ignorance must be met with teaching, not preaching. Your right may be different from my right.”
My Name Is Iden | The limits of metaphor
“We are not books, but we do have stories, and nothing ruins a story like certainty. I hope I am writing a good one.”
My Name Is Iden | Happy Iden-pendence Day
This past July 5 was my three-year “traniversary,” the anniversary of my coming out as transgender and beginning my transition. A day I’ve dubbed “Iden’s Day.”
My Name Is Iden | Everyone is a winner (or else)
“There will always be outstanding players, leaders in every field, and they are vital, but they are not so worthy of praise that we should devalue the contributions of the other team members.”
My Name Is Iden | Select all that are applicable
“Allowing people the freedom to fully self-identify in the ways that are most genuine and true to their lives and experience is the first step toward truly celebrating diversity.”
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