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Articles About general fund

  • 2017 Village budget: revenue is up, spending stable

    Village Council at its Sept. 19 meeting heard the first reading of the Village budget for the 2017 general fund. Revenues are expected to rise in 2017.

  • Yellow Springs spends over income

    On Oct. 6 Village Council began its annual series of budget planning workshops with a sober look at the second year of deficit spending in the general fund.

  • Village General fund deficit forecast

    At a special budget review before the Feb. 18 Village Council meeting, Finance Director Melissa Vanzant projected that the Village 2014 general fund budget will have a shortfall of about $500,000.

  • Village Council— Budget review shows revenue drop

    At Village Council’s Jan. 3 meeting, Council members revisited the 2012 general fund budget and proposed Village capital projects for this year. Overall, the Village anticipates a drop in its general fund of about 25 percent compared to 2011,

  • Village Council gives first approval to 2010 budget

    At their meeting on Monday, March 15, Village Council members approved 5–0 the first reading of the Village budget for 2010. After three budget workshops on Feb. 9 and 23 and March 6, Council agreed on a total budget of $13,553,490 for 2010, including $3,671,167 allocated for the general fund; $1,616,810 for the special revenues fund; $126,353 for the debt services fund; $520,500 for the capitol projects fund; and $7,618,660 for the enterprise funds.

  • Council notes general fund surplus decline

    Are there ways for the Village to increase revenues and/or decrease costs? Village Council members considered this subject at a special general fund budget workshop on Saturday, March 6. Contributing to the urgency of the discussion was the projected 2010 drop in the fund’s year-end surplus, which was caused by an increase in contracted services and a large unexpected repair project, according to Village Finance Director Sharon Potter.

  • Village ends ’07 fiscal year with $1.5 million surplus

    The Village of Yellow Springs ended its 2007 fiscal year with a general fund surplus of about $1.5 million, its largest surplus in recent years, according to Village Manager Eric Swansen at Council’s March 31 meeting.

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