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Articles About green living :: Page 2

  • Take a tour of the village greens

    Can a home be built to absorb enough of the sun’s heat so that it requires no heat source — other than the presence of people and the heat they produce by inhabiting space and cooking? Can an old home be retrofitted or remodeled with the hopes of realizing the cost of investment through monthly energy savings? Does making more sustainable decisions about energy use have to mean being less comfortable?

  • Energy group tasked to reduce carbon footprint

    At their April 20 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously approved a resolution that establishes an energy task force for Yellow Springs. The task force, or ETF, will be charged with working with Village staff to develop a strategic plan toward Council’s 2009 goal to “develop a comprehensive policy that addresses global warming and seeks to reduce the carbon footprint of our community.”

  • Green Fair touts Earth care

    “We’re trying to change our lives,” event organizer Rob Content said in a recent interview. He looked at Jorie Sieck, a youth organizer, and added, “as grownups, this is a challenge.” Content thinks that events like the Earth Day Fair bring people together, and that working together is what makes personal change possible.

    Living Green co-owner C.J. Williams defines “green” as anything with a focus on sustainability that is good for the Earth and good for individuals. More than 20 tables representing green individuals, green businesses and green non-profits are confirmed for the day, she said.

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