
From The Print Section :: Page 53

  • Miami Township trustees | Kingwood opposition continues

    Australian company, Lendlease, has been approaching landowners in the rural area between Yellow Springs, Clifton and Cedarville for longterm leases to build a 175-megawatt utility-scale solar array. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Miami Township Board of Trustees continued to discuss the recent decision by the Ohio Power Siting Board, or OPSB, against Texas-based Vesper Energy’s proposed 175-megawatt, utility-scale Kingwood solar project at the trustees’ most recent meeting Wednesday, Jan. 18.

  • Review | Of whales and love’s conditions

    Darren Aronofsky’s 2022 film, “The Whale,” is an exercise in discomfort. Audiences are spurred to shift in their seats as they watch the protagonist of undeniable size — played by the almost universally beloved Brendan Fraser — struggle to help himself time and again.

  • Down to Earth | Fall webworms, friend or foe?

    There is a spectacle that occurs in summer each year around Yellow Springs that generates both amazement and concern among citizens and visitors of this town. No, it’s not Street Fair; it’s the return of fall webworms to their local perches.

  • Greene County to build new jail

    After two failed attempts to levy funds for a new jail through sales tax, and nearly a year of decisions about finance, design and size, the Greene County Commissioners and sheriff’s office will break ground on a $61 million, 250-bed jail this spring.

  • Students of the Month — January 2023

    YS Schools announced the January recipients of student and faculty awards at the Jan. 12 Board of Education meeting.

  • My Name Is Iden | ‘Best self’ over being ‘the best’

    My Name is Iden

    The new year is upon us. A time for reflection and, for many of us, resolution. This is the time for getting to work on being our “best selves.”

  • Anthrotech takes expertise to courtroom

    Last year, Anthrotech collected data and provided expert testimony for a criminal trial, in which the events detailed spanned thousands of miles, from the United States to Zambia and back again.

  • Millworks gains more tenants

    As of the beginning of the year, Local affordable housing program Yellow Springs Home, Inc., villager-owned landscape company Fox Trot Services and a new tattoo parlor called Studio Uncommon all have a new home at Millworks.

  • School board broaches levy restrictions

    With a levy to address shoring up village school facilities expected from the school district this fall, the Yellow Springs Board of Education considered how it will present that levy to the community at its first meeting of the year on Jan. 12.

  • 2023 Martin Luther King Jr. Day | ‘The fierce urgency of now’

    Around 200 villagers assembled on Jan. 16, to contemplate Martin Luther King Jr.’s call to action through the “fierce urgency of now,” in observation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

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