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  • BLOG – Adult swim

    Perhaps it’s a little early to be thinking about summer, but Sunday’s unseasonably warm weather has me reminiscing about my favorite part of the hot months: the Gaunt Park pool.

  • Tornado season is here: be prepared

    Villagers should get prepared for tornado season by finding a safe space in their home.

  • Group presents Chekhov as fund-raiser

    The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov will be presented tonight, April 9, at 8 p.m. at Westminster Hall in the First Presbyterian Church, and next Friday and Saturday nights at the same time. The event is a fund-raiser in an effort to enhance the hall as a performance space. Shown above are, from left, actors Miriam Eckenrode, Natalie Sanders, Ali Thomas, Howard Shook and Gary Reimers.

    A group of local actors and theater enthusiasts are presenting Anton Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard tonight, April 9, at 8 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, and next weekend on Friday, April 15, and Saturday, April 16, at the same time. Tickets are $10. The goal is to raise money to enhance the church’s Westminster Hall as a performance space.

  • Contemplative education at Antioch

    At “Green Space for the Mind,” on Saturday, April 9, at Antioch South Hall’s Herndon Gallery, leading scholars will report on their efforts to incorporate contemplative practices into higher education.

  • AUM expands academic focus

    The academic options at Antioch University Midwest just got quite a bit wider with the recent revamping of two existing programs and the launching of several new ones at both the undergraduate and the graduate levels.

  • Tom Ayrsman

    Tom Ayrsman, former Antioch College professor of environmental science, died unexpectedly Sunday, April 3.

  • Solar project hangs on, but barely

    At its March 21 meeting Village Council came close to backing away from a proposed solar farm project, but agreed to try to gather information in upcoming weeks.

  • Council changes sidewalk policy

    At their March 21 meeting, members of Village Council gave the final approval to an ordinance that changes Village policy on sidewalk maintenance, shifting the responsibility for upkeep from property owners to the Village.

  • Antioch hires first faculty, gains on accreditation

    Antioch College announced this week that the college has hired its first three tenure-track faculty members. And last week, the revived college received notice that it successfully jumped the first hurdle on the road to gaining accreditation.

  • Gardens, gardeners sprouting

    At the Bill Duncan Park neighborhood garden, Penny Adamson (left) and Emily Seibel prepared their garden bed, which last year produced five kinds of tomatoes, prolific green beans and other vegetables and flowers. Villagers can still sign up for a plot at one of four neighborhood gardens. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    What began as a modest effort to start a community garden has mushroomed to four neighborhood gardens scattered around town — with more soon to sprout.

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