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Antioch College literature professor Geneva Gano gave a history of teach-ins at Antioch at its latest one on the Occupy Movement held last week. It was attended by Antioch students and staff, villagers and Occupy Dayton protestors. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

Antioch organizes Occupy teach-in

Antioch College has a long history of organizing teach-ins on social issues of the day, from the Vietnam War and the Antioch student strikes to the Persian Gulf War. The latest teach-in, held last Thursday, covered the Occupy Movement — it’s goals, it’s achievements and its challenges — and included sessions on the history of Occupy, media representation, Occupy Dayton, politics of Occupy and police confrontation.


Members of the public attended the event along with Antioch College students and staff. Here audience members show their support for a presenter comment with a method used at Occupy encampments.

Antioch College students listened to presentations.

Yellow Springs Police Chief John Grote talked to students about police tactics at Occupy protests.

From left, Panayiotis Manolakos (Occupy Wall Street), Liam Nilsen (Occupy Wall Street), Karen Abney Korn (Occupy Dayton) and Gerry Bello discuss Occupy strategies.


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