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Articles by Megan Bachman

More Articles by Megan Bachman
  • Fire Chief Colin Altman to retire after 29 years

    Chief Colin Altman is hanging up his turnout coat for good. After 29 years at the helm of Miami Township Fire-Rescue, Altman retires later this month.

  • Solve puzzles for Parkinson’s

    Imagine a Saturday morning spent roaming downtown with friends solving crosswords, decoding ciphers, spotting hidden differences and unlocking keywords — as if Yellow Springs had been turned into the brain teasers page of a newspaper.

  • Downtown Yellow Springs’ most-cherished businesses

    “What Yellow Springs store or restaurant — now closed — do you miss the most, and what did you love about it?” In September 2020, the News posed that question to the Yellow Springs community at large and received more than 1,000 responses. Current and former villagers shared their memories and reminisced about places that were true local ­institutions.

  • Village Council seeks $4 million grant for broadband infrastructure

    At its Monday, Aug. 16, regular meeting, Council voted unanimously to apply for a $4 million federal grant to build broadband infrastructure in the Village.

  • Continued coverage— Yellow Springs police chief resigns

    On Wednesday, Aug. 18, the Village of Yellow Springs announced in a press release that Yellow Springs Police Chief Brian Carlson had resigned.

  • COVID-19 update: Variant spurs new restrictions

    Last week, Village Council moved its meetings back online and revived its downtown mask mandate. The Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce canceled the Oct. 9 Street Fair. Community events are once again paused or going remote. Vaccine mandates have been announced.

  • Climate Action and Sustainability Plan underway in Yellow Springs

    Piper Fernwey worked at colleges and companies across the midwest developing farm-to-table programs and climate change responses. At Denison University, she helped the cafeteria source 40% of its food locally. Now, the Clifton resident is tasked with drafting a Climate Action and Sustainability Plan for the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • Candidates file for fall races

    More candidates may be vying for public office this fall than in recent years. Last week, 20 people seeking local office filed petitions with the Greene County Board of Elections ahead of the Aug. 4 deadline.

  • Yellow Springs mask mandate revived

    At an emergency meeting on Monday, Aug. 9, conducted remotely via Zoom, Village Council declared a state of emergency in the Village and re-enacted its downtown mask mandate, effective immediately.

  • MVECA to move, expand — New owners for 888 Dayton Street

    Yellow Springs-based information technology provider, Miami Valley Educational Computer Association, or MVECA, has purchased 888 Dayton Street.

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