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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 4

  • South end development— County approves annex

    During their regular meeting on April 29, the Greene County Board of Commissioners unanimously granted an annexation petition from Oberer Land Developers to add their 34 acres of land in Miami Township to the southern edge of Yellow Springs.

  • Planning Commission— ‘Safari Place’ approved

    A new local business is looking to host car shows and charity events, sell cars and campers and run area kayak tours.

  • Village Council — New restrictions, fees, for Airbnbs

    Those wanting to operate an Airbnb on a property where they don’t live can no longer do so. And those who already have an Airbnb where they don’t live will be subject to annual fees of $2,000 and regular background checks.

  • Utility-scale solar firm applies for state permit

    A Texas company looking to build a 1,500-acre, 175-megawatt solar power project in Greene County has applied for a permit.

  • Village Council— Outdoor drinking considered

    Imagine grabbing a beer from a local restaurant, walking with it in hand on the sidewalk downtown and stopping by some local shops, all while sipping away. That image could become reality if the Village creates a DORA, or designated outdoor refreshment area, in downtown Yellow Springs.

  • Council closer to Airbnb rules

    Those who run local Airbnbs or other businesses that offer short-term stays could soon be paying more to the Village — some a lot more.

  • COVID-19 update— Virus developments mixed

    Thirteen months into the coronavirus pandemic, a weary public is wondering what’s next. Is another wave of COVID-19 coming? Can the vaccination campaign keep it at bay? Where is the illness now spreading? When will herd immunity be reached?

  • COVID-19 update— New orders clarify, simplify

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The health department rescinded all the state orders put in place since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, and replaced them with a single five-page document.

  • Stricter rules for Airbnbs

    At its regular meeting Monday, April 5, Council considered legislation that imposes new fees, requirements and potential penalties for those renting out their rooms, apartments or homes for short-term stays.

  • Village Council— Gaunt Park pool to open with changes

    The prosepect of hitting the water after a flying leap was made more attractive by the promise of a cool splash, as local Siobhan and her uncle Christian, visiting from Jamestown, saltoed through the summer air at Gaunt Park Pool last Friday. (Photo by Isaac Delamatre)

    Gone are both the two-hour session limits and locals-only days. And higher prices will be charged across the board in the first pool rate increase since 2009.

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