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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 6

  • COVID-19 vaccinations— Governor urges ‘persistence’

    Speaking at a press briefing from his Cedarville Township home on Tuesday, Feb. 16, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said he understands that some Ohioans are impatient with the pace of vaccination.

  • Village Council— A plan for the ‘Little Park’

    Beatty Hughes Park, located between Kieth’s Alley and Corry Street, may someday host live music concerts, outdoor movies, family picnics and art exhibits.

  • Village Council— New rules aimed at civility

    Council members are now more limited in what they can say. According to Council President Brian Housh, the goal of the new measures is to improve civility and respect in discourse.

  • Coming down with COVID— Villagers share virus battles

    One year into the global coronavirus pandemic, 245 residents of the 45387 area code, which includes Yellow Springs and the surrounding rural area, have contracted the virus. That equates to one out of every 22 people living here.

  • A win for quarry opponents

    “No Quarry” yard signs created by local citizens’ group, Citizens Against Mining, peppered yards along South Tecumseh Road near Greenon High School on a recent weekend. In July, the state of Ohio approved expanded limestone mining operations in Mad River Township, just north of Yellow Springs, intensifying oppposition from area residents. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    In December 2020, Citizens Against Mining celebrated another win — a private lawsuit settled in favor of five neighbors of the mine who successfully argued that Enon Sand and Gravel’s mining could damage their property values and private wells.

  • Village Council— More inclusive, equitable Yellow Springs

    At Village Council’s regular meeting on Monday, Jan. 19, members of Inclusive and Resilient Yellow Springs told the community how they plan to help Yellow Springs live its values of diversity and inclusion.

  • Millworks update— EnviroFlight to leave after 2022

    Glen Courtright, CEO and founder of EnviroFlight, monitored the local company’s new product, a natural fertilizer for vegetable gardens, flowers and lawns, as it passed through a sifter. The fertilizer is a byproduct of EnviroFlight’s proprietary process of producing insect-based fish food. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A sustainable feed company founded in Yellow Springs will likely depart the village for good two years from now. When that happens, Yellow Springs will lose 20 jobs and hundreds of thousands of dollars in utility payments and payroll taxes.

  • Millworks back on the market

    The local industrial park was listed last year after plans by its owners, Jessica Yamamoto and Antonio Molina, failed to come to fruition. The then-couple bought the four-acre property in late 2018 and the following year had it successfully rezoned to accommodate renovation and new construction.

  • COVID-19 update— Older residents next for vaccination

    On Friday, Jan. 8, Friends Care Community celebrated the arrival of pharmacy staff from CVS, there to administer the first round of COVID-19 vaccines.

  • Yellow Springs Village Council approves 2021 budget

    At Village Council’s final meeting of 2020, Council unanimously passed a budget for the new year calling for spending increases amid falling revenues. The deficit budget, the Village’s first in four years, includes $4.23 million in expenses while projecting revenue of $3.27 million.

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