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Articles by Megan Bachman :: Page 7

  • 2020 Year in Review: Yellow Springs Development Corporation

    The Yellow Springs Development Corporation, or YSDC, is a quasi-governmental, nonprofit corporation that has been designated by the Village of Yellow Springs and Miami Township as their official Community Improvement Corporation, or CIC.

  • 2020 Year in Review: Village Council

    2020 Year in Review: Village Council

  • Village of Yellow Springs shares $40K in federal CARES funds

    New HVAC filtration systems, masks, gloves, stand-alone air purifiers, plexiglass partitions and hand sanitizer stations were among the products purchased by local organizations through the grant.

  • Wheeling Gaunt’s legacy lives on

    Wheeling Gaunt’s generosity perseveres in a 126-year-old tradition of the delivery of flour to local widows and widowers at the holidays — a stipulation in Gaunt’s will when he bequeathed the land that is now Gaunt Park to the Village.

  • Village Council— Deficit budget moves ahead

    The Village of Yellow Springs plans to spend about a million dollars more than it takes in next year. As a result, general fund reserves are set to drop to their lowest level in recent years.

  • Chappelle to buy former fire station in Yellow Springs for comedy club

    Nationally known comedian and local resident Dave Chappelle is purchasing the former Miami Township fire station with plans to open a comedy club in Yellow Springs.

  • Solar ‘canopy’ eyed for parking lot

    Initial plans call for a solar canopy at the John Bryan Community Center. The covered pavilion would feature a solar roof with at least a 200-kilowatt capacity, with vehicle parking and event space underneath.

  • Outside investigation complete— Officer violated no policies

    Yellow Springs Police Officer Dave Meister was presented with a commendation for exceptional service in the line of duty. (News archive photo by Lauren Heaton)

    At issue was whether YSPD Officer Dave Meister violated Village policy and state law by allegedly telling a citizen that a fellow officer, Paige Burge, referred to some attendees of the weekly Black Lives Matter rallies as an “angry mob.”

  • Utility-scale solar project moves ahead

    A utility-scale solar project southeast of Yellow Springs is moving forward, and so is a grassroots effort to stop it.

  • Village to buy land for bike path

    The Village of Yellow Springs is moving forward with plans to purchase three acres of land at Yellow Springs High School for a bike trail to Agraria, Community Solutions’ farm west of the village.

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