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Board of Zoning Appeals

Yellow Springs, Ohio Board of Zoning Appeals
Notice is hereby given that:

Three owners of property in the Village have requested variances from provisions of the Zoning Code:

1. Lisa Wolters and Nate Cornett are the owners of Yellow Springs Brewery, located in the Millworks commerce park at 305 North Winter Street. Zoning regulations permit the sale of products manufactured on site, as long as the floor area devoted to such sales does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total floor area of the business [1260.03(c)]. As proposed, the floor area devoted to sales will be approximately thirty percent (30%) of the total floor area. Greene County parcel ID # F19000100110025900.

2. Frank Riley requests a variance to the front yard setback in order to build a new dwelling unit on his property at 329 North High St. As proposed, the front of the property will shift to Pleasant St., with a setback of about 5 feet. According to 1250.02, a 25-foot front yard setback is required. Greene County Parcel ID # F19000100110007700.

3. Maria Inman has requested variances to both the front and side yard setback requirements in order to construct additions to her home at 9 Lawson Place. As proposed, the plan would result in both front (for a carport in an existing driveway) and side yard setbacks of about 3.5 feet. 1250.02 requires a front yard setback of 25 feet and a least side yard setback of five feet. Greene County Parcel ID # F19000100040004300.

DATE: Wednesday, January 9, 2013
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Council Chambers, 2nd floor, Bryan Center, 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, OH 45387

This notice provides you and every other interested party the opportunity to appear or have input at the hearing. You may come in person or have someone appear on your behalf. You may express your views in writing by providing a copy to the Clerk of Council for inclusion in the record of the hearing. The applications, as prepared by the petitioners, may be examined at the office of the Village Manager on the 2nd floor of the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387. Questions regarding the applications, zoning code or procedures may be directed to the Village Manager at the same address, or by calling 937-767-1279.

Ed Amrhein
Planning Assistant


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