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Mills Lawn fifth graders planned a special Veteran's Day celebration this fall as part of a project-based lesson. The decorating committee included, from left, Priscilla Hadap, Alayna Wilson, Stephanie Burks, Andrea Reeder, and Sam Foster.

Mills Lawn fifth graders planned a special Veteran's Day celebration this fall as part of a project-based lesson. The decorating committee included, from left, Priscilla Hadap, Alayna Wilson, Stephanie Burks, Andrea Reeder, and Sam Foster.

Teachers, students report on visit to model school in San Diego

In December a small group of Yellow Springs school teachers, students and community members visited High Tech High, a contemporary public school in San Diego, Calif., to see how one school has implemented project-based learning as the basis of its educational model. Last week, several representatives of the travelling group presented their findings to the school community. They were impressed with the school’s culture of student independence and high achievement. And they reported that there was no reason Yellow Springs couldn’t do similar things in the local public schools. 

The whole school district began this academic year implementing project-based learning in earnest. Students and teachers at Mills Lawn, McKinney and YSHS will share the projects and the processes they have used to create them at PBL Exhibition Night on Friday, Jan. 31, at 6:30 p.m. at Mills Lawn school. The whole community is invited to see the early results of this attempt at an educational transformation.

See a short video clip from the assembly last week at the high school, where those who visited High Tech High spoke about their impressions of what Yellow Springs could become. 

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