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An Ordinance Establishing New Permit Fees

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Interested persons will take note that the Village Council of Yellow Springs on Monday, April 20, 2015, gave first reading to an ordinance, text to follow.

Council will consider said ordinance for a second reading and a public hearing to begin at 7:10 p.m., Monday, May 4, 2015, in the Bryan Community Center, 100 Dayton St.

WHEREAS, the proposed text amendments to the Yellow Springs Zoning Code were initiated by the Village Planning Commission pursuant to Section 1280.01 of the Yellow Springs Zoning Code; and

the Village Planning Commission has found it necessary to update the Yellow Springs Zoning Code to establish a schedule of fees for zoning permits and applications to the Village Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals; and

WHEREAS, the Village Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on April 13, 2015 to solicit public comment on the proposed text amendments to the Yellow Springs Zoning Code, and has reviewed the written record which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and

WHEREAS, the Village Planning Commission found that the proposed amendments to the Yellow Springs Zoning Code were compliant with Section 1280.02 of the Yellow Springs Zoning Code, and;

the Village Planning Commission voted in affirmation to forward the proposed amendments to Village Council with the recommendation of approval.


Section 1.
Old Section 1272.04 is rescinded and new Section 1272.04 is adopted to read as follows with additions underlined and deletions marked by strikethrough.: 1272.04 Fees; Performance Guarantees

Fees. All applications and reviews subject to this zoning code shall be accompanied by a fee, according to a fee schedule adopted by ordinance of the Village Council and contained in Appendix A of this code. Actions initiated by Village staff, the Planning Commission or Village Council shall not be subject to the fee.

Section 2. Appendix A of the Yellow Springs Zoning Code is adopted in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein.

Section 3.
This ordinance will be approved and in full force at the earliest
time permitted by law.

Karen Wintrow, President
APPENDIX A – Fee Schedule
The following amended fee schedule shall apply to non-governmental applications and appeals file pursuant to the regulations outlined in the Village’s Zoning Code:

• Zoning Permits
• Fence/Accessory Structure Permit Application $15.00
• New Construction Permit
• Single Family $35.00
• Multi-family & Commercial $35.00 +$10 per residential unit over 4 and/or 1,000 sq ft over 5,000 commercial.
• Sign Permit $15.00 Per sign
• Change of Use permit $15.00

• Planning Commission Applications
• Planned Unit Development Application
• Preliminary Plan Application $150.00
• Final Plan Application $75.00
• Level B Plan Review Development Application $100.00 + $500 Refundable deposit.
• PUD or Level B Plan Re-application/Amendment $50.00
• Conditional Use Application $100.00
• Lot Subdivision (Not associated with dev plan or PUD) $50.00 + $15 per lot
• Map/Text Amendment Request $200.00

• Board of Zoning Appeals Applications
• Variance Application Request $100.00
• Administrative Appeal $100.00
• Zoning Compliance Certificate $15.00
• Village Council Appeal from Planning or Board $100.00*
• Right-of-way Vacation Request $50.00 (if petition as per Section 1224.03(a) included) $100.00 (if no petition included)
• Fine for starting work without obtaining a permit is 50% of the cost of the permit.

Additional fees may be collected in cases where recovery of incurred costs
is necessary. Amendments to submitted plans requiring further review will be
assessed such fees. The exact fee will be determined by the incurred cost of the
review, the total of which will be passed on to the applicant.

* According to Section 1276.03(b)(6) – $30.00 refunded if appeal affirmed


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