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Planning Commission, Yellow Springs, OH

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Planning Commission Meeting Agenda

Mon., Aug. 31, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Council room, second floor, Bryan Community Center


Minor Subdivision Application – For an existing lot located in the Village of Yellow Springs corporate boundary situated along Corry Street between Allen Street and President Street. Parcel ID#: F19000100160007900

Minor Subdivision Application – For an existing lot located in the Village of Yellow Springs corporate boundary situated at the corner of Corry Street and Allen. Parcel ID#: F19000100160008100

Conditional Use Application (Accessory Dwelling Unit) – 423 W. Limestone Street – (R-B Moderate Density Residential District).  Donna Pitstick Haller, applicant. Applicant is requesting permission to allow an already constructed accessory dwelling located on the premise. Parcel ID#: F19000100020004400; F19000100020004200

Conditional Use Application (Office) – 527 Dayton Street – (R-C High Density Residential District) – Maxine Scuba, applicant. Applicant is applying to have an Office Conditional Use located in the existing building. Parcel ID#: F19000100020004600


1) Text Amendments – The Village of Yellow Springs is applying for modifications for the following zoning text items:

a. Revision of Section 1260.04 regarding the regulation of accessory structures in the Village.

b. Revision of Section 1282.05 regarding the regulation of non-conforming lots with existing structures.

The Village of Yellow Springs is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities. The Council meeting is wheelchair accessible. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the Village Clerk of Council’s Office at 767-9126 or via e-mail at for more information.


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