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Yellow Springs Board of Education

Searching For Children With Disabilities

The Yellow Springs Exempted Village School District joins school districts across the state in participating in an effort to identify, locate, and evaluate all children 3 through 21 years of age who may have disabilities. Disability infers the following conditions: hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech or language impairment, learning disability, behavioral disability, multiple disabilities, intellectual disabilities, other health impairments, physical impairments, autism, and traumatic brain injury. Public schools have responded to federal and state mandates which provide a free and appropriate public education regardless of a child’s disability. Before school districts can serve children, the children must be identified. Many children with disabilities are not visible because they do not function in the mainstream of the community. In addition, many unidentified children with disabilities are preschool age.

Yellow Springs Educators will ask for information about the child. For example, “What problem is the child facing?” “What has already been done about the problem?” “What background information is available?” This information is collected in several ways, including interviews, observation, screening, and testing. This information will be used to determine whether the child has a disability and if the child requires special services.

Our school district is interested in meeting the needs of all Yellow Springs children. If you have child who may have a disability, please contact Donna First, Student Services Director at Mills Lawn Elementary 767-7217 or YSHS/MMS at 767-7224, for more information and help.

Mario Basora
Superintendent, Yellow Springs Exempted Village School District


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