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  • BLOG—Surviving Suicide

    Part of the awareness we must focus on in September is an awareness of those who are left behind by suicide, who often find themselves alone after the casseroles have been eaten and the well-wishes have ceased. The years may pass, but that does not mean we have adequately addressed our myriad emotions. Sometimes we have to give ourselves permission to heal. 

  • Village Council Regular Meeting

    Monday, September 18, 2017 at 6 p.m.

  • Public Meetings

    Village of Yellow Springs

  • Super-Fly superfans celebrate a decade

    Super-Fly Comics and Games celebrated its 10th anniversary Saturday, Sept. 2. Pictured here inside the store are owners Jared Whittaker, left, and Anthony “Tony” Barry. Super-Fly sells comics, graphic novels, books, toys, action figures, board games, role-playing games and more. The store pulled in lots of fans Saturday, setting the record for its single biggest sales day ever. (Photo by Aaron Maurice Saari)

    As the doors of Super-Fly Comics and Games opened on the morning of Saturday, Sept. 2, for the 10th anniversary celebration, the overcast skies and drizzling rain did nothing to dampen the spirits of those gathered.

  • Celebrating 30 years of community mediation

    The Village Mediation Program is marking its 30th anniversary this month. Village Council passed a resolution Tuesday, Sept. 5, honoring the group’s three decades of service, and a public celebration will be held Thursday, Sept. 14, 7 p.m., at Antioch University Midwest. Pictured are some of the current team of village mediators. Clockwise from top left, are founding mediator Bruce Heckman, mediator Jalyn Roe, current program coordinator John Gudgel and mediator Janet Mueller. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    There’s really no knowing the extent to which Yellow Springs might be different if not for the existence of the Village Mediation Program.

  • BLOG-Making Moves: Home in a New Home

    Whenever I spend an extended period of time in a new environment, I find myself looking for comfort spots where I know I will be able to go when I need to take a breather. Even in this village, where everywhere feels as if it’s meant to be comforting, I found myself identifying my yard as my own little oasis within an oasis.

  • Board of Education

    Board Work Session

  • Street paving to begin this month

    Paving will soon be scheduled for several village streets.

    Crews from Jurgensen Companies construction will be paving streets in the Village in the next few weeks.

  • BLOG-Thinking About The Weather

    We do not know what Mother Nature will bring. Yet we prepare.

  • Dogs make a splash at Gaunt Park pool

    About 40 local canines and their owners took part in the Labor Day Doggie Splash at Gaunt Park pool.

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