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New commission of Council

Yellow Springs Village Council is currently seeking residents to join a new commission of Council. This commission, developed as a proactive response to challenges faced by our local justice system, will engage in some of the actions listed here:

• Increase public understanding of police department policy and practice, and to strengthen public trust in the Village justice system across race, age and income groups;
• Propose recommendations to Village Council for policies and priorities that align the practices of the Yellow Springs Police Department (YSPD) and the Mayor’s Court with community values. As a part of diligent recommendation development, the commission will:
• Research current policies and practices prior to developing any recommendation.
• Consider input from staff, including legal and practical concerns regard-
ing the recommendation prior to coming to Council;
• Work to educate itself and the community on current Village practices,
the effects of those practices and who is affected as well as research
best practices and learn about the community’s concerns and priorities
regarding security and justice.

This commission will meet monthly, and may require subcommittee work. Applicants will be representative of the community, able to work collaboratively under sometimes stressful conditions, and will have some experience in justice work.

The Council Liaison and Council Alternate for the JSC will conduct all interviews for the commission during a one-week period the week of August 26th.

Interested villagers over the age of 15 should send a letter of interest and a list of qualifications (or resumé) to the Clerk of Council ( no later than August 16, 2019 for consideration.


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