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Kathryn ‘Kathy’ Estep Swisher

Born April 10, 1956; died Nov. 3, 2022

Proud daughter of Mayford and Jewell Estep, I was raised not only by my parents but by the watchful eye of friends, family and neighbors. I moved away when I was 18 and never thought that I would ever again live in Enon. But after graduating from The Ohio State University, marrying, having a baby and living in Columbus for over 10 years, Bob, Kathy and 15-month-old Julia returned to Enon. The watchful eye I protested when young was exactly what I wanted now that I was a parent.

The move was facilitated by Bill and Kathy Estep, who gave us a place to live and by Bob, who agreed to commute to Columbus. Bob’s long days and long daily drives allowed Julia and Ellen to have the small-town life that both Bob and I had had. It also allowed the girls to be near their Estep family. (Our Swisher family did not live in one area.)

I was a stay-at-home mom for a while, then worked part-time for the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. Later I obtained a real estate license and worked for Homeowner’s Concept Realty. While there I became familiar with the staff at Equity Land Title Agency, and they offered me a job. I started as a receptionist, but quickly became a title abstractor. I worked there for 9.5 years and then switched to First American Title, where I worked from October 2000 to my medically forced retirement in March 2020.

I’ve always said that if it wasn’t for the need to earn a living, I would have been a “volunteer lady.” I enjoyed working at the Second Harvest Food Bank; working on a couple of referendums in Mad River Township; coordinating the Clark County petition drive to get the 2017 anti-gerrymandering issue on the ballot; and being co-founder with Catherine Peyroux of Clark County Votes dedicated to voter registration, Clark County volunteer coordinator for Dr. Vanessa Enoch for Congress in 2018, volunteer coordinator for the Clark County Democratic Party from 2019 and an active member of the Democratic Women’s Issues Network (WIN) since 2019.

I am survived by my loving husband of 40 years, Robert “Bob” Swisher; my beloved and precious daughters, Julia and Ellen; Julia’s caring partner, Jacob Wood; my cherished brother, Bill Estep and his wife, Kathy Estep, who has always been a sister, not an in-law; and by all of my dear and caring Swisher family: Sue and Curt French, Sam and Kim Swisher, Shari Carver (my marching buddy) and Cathy Swisher and Veronica Rohm. I am also survived by many nieces, nephews and cousins.

I was lucky to have many supporting, caring and loving friends. There are a few longtime friends to point out: Kendra Bishop Varner, who I’ve called “the older daughter that I didn’t have.” She helped raise our girls and gave love and medical care to my mom. She started as a sitter for Julia and Ellen, but quickly became family. Gail DeMent Ross, a forever friend since high school and OSU, stood by me through all of life’s ups and downs and checked on me continually through this wretched illness. Sue Hashemi, a neighbor who became a lifelong friend, taught me to view life with an open mind, and I was in awe of her marvelously positive attitude. My life with you in it was so much richer. Dr. Susan Darmstadter, AKA Suzanne, my college roommate, medical advisor, midnight run for donuts buddy, secrets keeper, “laugh till we cry” friend, and so much more. Such a special friend. I’m so glad you walked into my dorm room in 1975!

It was a great ride, this life of mine. Wish it could have lasted longer. Be sad, but not for too long.

Love you all.

The funeral service was held Monday, Nov. 7, 2022, in Adkins Funeral Home in Enon. In lieu of flowers, please donate to Enon Relief or Second Harvest Food Bank.


One Response to “Kathryn ‘Kathy’ Estep Swisher”

  1. Fred Amos says:

    Bob, so sorry for you and your family loss

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