Articles by YS News Staff :: Page 122
Peggy Barker
Former Yellow Springs resident Peggy Barker, born Dec. 5, 1950, passed away peacefully on March 2, 2022. She was a beloved mother, grandmother and friend.
Barbara Bernstein
A celebration of life in memory of Barbara Bernstein will be held Saturday, April 23, 1–3 p.m., in Rooms A & B of the John Bryan Community Center.
Jennie Louise Berkshire Lebold
Jennie Louise Berkshire Lebold, 81, of Harrisonburg, Va., passed away peacefully on April 4, 2022.
Rev. Dr. James A. Nooks
The Rev. Dr. James A. Nooks went home to be with his loving savior, Jesus Christ, on March 26, 2022.
Rita Maria Powers
Rita Maria Powers, age 88, passed away peacefully at Hospice of Miami County on Wednesday, March 30, 2022, after a long illness.
Council passes ‘six inches of separation’ post-pandemic protocol
Village Council’s passing of the post-pandemic protocol mandating 6-inches of separation has villagers up in (each other’s) arms.
COVID Update | March 31, 2022
COVID-19 numbers continued to hearten health officials last week, with new case numbers rising slightly in Ohio while decreasing in Greene County, and the number of new hospitalizations and deaths going down across the state and locally.
Public Meetings
Public Meetings
Planning Commission Application Review
Yellow Springs Planning Commission
Planning Commission Meeting Agenda
Yellow Springs Planning Commission
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