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Articles About elections :: Page 2

  • Local offices up for election in fall

    The excitement of last year’s presidential election should only serve to underscore the importance of the local elections that are scheduled at the end of this year. On Nov. 10, 2009, three Village Council seats, Village mayor, three seats for Yellow Springs Board of Education and two seats for Miami Township Board of Trustees will be up for election.

  • Well, it’s official: Obama Springs

    To the surprise of absolutely no one, Yellow Springs voters went overwhelmingly for Democrat Barack Obama in the presidential election last Tuesday, Nov. 4, with Obama receiving 10 votes for every one vote cast for Republican John McCain.

  • Barack Obama elected nation’s 44th president

    For once, Yellow Springs voters were smack dab in the middle of the mainstream in their choice of a presidential candidate. While specific numbers of village votes cast for Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain were not available by publication deadline…

  • Yellow Springs candidates fall short of election victory

    The three Yellow Springs hopefuls running for office fell short of their goals on Election Day. Yellow Springs resident Sharen Neuhardt fought hard but lost her race as 7th District Congressional representative to her opponent and longtime Republican politician Steve Austria.

  • State issues, county levies

    Voters in Greene County felt similar to voters across the state, who all voted overwhelmingly for the Ohio Initiatives Deadlines Act.

  • Selected state, county races

    Both the Ohio electorate and Greene County voters swung widely Republican with resounding support for incumbent Chris Widener.

  • High use of paper ballot slows count

    Due to the unexpectedly high use of paper ballots in Tuesday’s election and the high number of absentee voters, a complete Greene County tally was not available on Wednesday morning in time for the publication of the News.

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