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Articles About Greene County Black Lives Matter :: Page 2

  • Old symbols fly, burn on 4th of July

    As thousands attended last Saturday’s 4th of July fireworks at Gaunt Park, about 30 members of the Greene County Black Lives Matter group burned a Confederate flag in protest of recent church burnings, the Charleston massacre of nine African Americans, and the police shooting last year of John Crawford in the Beavercreek Walmart. Shown above is group member Talis Gage. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    As American flags waved all around town on Saturday, July 4, one Confederate flag, a former symbol of the American South, burned as a reminder of the lack of freedom many black citizens have suffered since the Civil War and before.

  • Local Walmart protesters are sentenced

    Several Yellow Springs residents pleaded no contest in Fairborn Municipal Court last week to charges that they trespassed during two demonstrations in December to protest police aggression, following last summer’s police slaying of John Crawford III.

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