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Articles About Yellow Springs Schools :: Page 4

  • Yellow Springs School board— Facilities back at forefront

    Administrators’ recent focus on pandemic-related school closures, and the accompanying transition to online instruction, drastically slowed the facilities conversation, but didn’t sideline it completely.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Online instruction set to continue

    Instruction for the 700-some students enrolled in Yellow Springs Schools will remain online for at least another quarter.

  • Remote learning challenges families

    This is the second of two stories asking how remote learning is going in the Yellow Springs Schools.

  • YS Schools to continue online instruction for second quarter

    The Board of Education said the district continue with an online instructional model for the second quarter, Monday, Nov. 2, through Friday, Jan. 15.

  • Need rises, food relief follows

    Food insecurity in the U.S. is reaching record heights in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic recession. And even in the relatively well-off community of Yellow Springs, some residents have difficulty putting food on the table.

  • A look inside Yellow Springs schools

    School has been in session for about a month, with instruction taking place online since the opening of the 2020–21 academic year on Aug. 27.

  • New science teacher hired

    McKinney Middle School’s new science teacher, Cameron Dickens, has brought an atypical educational background to an atypical school year when classes since began online Thursday, Aug. 27.

  • Point and click

    Rising second grader Ellie Lake and her mother, Carla Leer-Lake, introduced themselves to new Mills Lawn Principal Michelle Person, who was at the local farmers market on Saturday, Aug. 22, for a “meet and greet” with students and families.

  • Parents explore alternative school options

    The continuing pandemic has prompted area schools to restructure their methods and approaches, often drastically, with some adopting an online instructional plan, at least to start the year.

  • YS Schools restart— District assesses risks

    This story looks at some of the risks of both in-person and online instruction that local educators are weighing in planning for the new academic year.

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