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Articles About 2023 budget

  • Village Council | Surplus expected for 2024 Village budget

    As noted in Monday’s regular Village Council meeting, the budgeted expenses for next year total $17,852,817 — an amount that includes expenses from the general, special revenue, capital project and enterprise funds.

  • Village Council talks numbers

    On Monday, May 15, Council members heard reports from Finance Director Amy Kemper and Treasurer Judy Kintner. The main takeaway was this: money is coming in, and expenses have come in under budget, but the year has just begun.

  • Village Council passes 2023 budget

    At its final meeting of 2022 on Dec. 19, Village Council members passed the 2023 budget, which included an additional $40,000 for affordable housing and investments in the Public Works department, including money for additional personnel and wage increases.

  • Village Council finalizes 2023 budget priorities

    On Friday, Dec. 9, members of Village Council met for a fourth budget session, where they named infrastructure as a major budget priority for 2023.

  • Village Council broaches budget shortfall

    On Sunday, Dec. 4, members of Village Council received a memo from Village Manager Josué Salmerón, indicating the Village’s budget was forecasting a deficit of $3,011,720. The memo left Council with two options: cut spending or increase revenues.

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