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Articles About facilities

  • School board updates facilities design

    The facilities improvement project is slated to begin construction in January 2025, with completion expected by August 2026.

  • School board approves substitute levy

    The substitute levy, if passed at the polls Nov. 5, would not constitute new revenue from local voters, but would combine and continue for 10 years annual revenue of $1,975,000 already collected by two emergency levies passed in 2015 and 2017, which are set to expire in 2025.

  • School board discusses operations levy options

    At its most recent meeting Thursday, April 11, the YS Board of Education returned to the topic of an operations levy to be brought before voters.

  • School board discusses upcoming levy, facilities

    The Yellow Springs School Board also approved the selection of a construction manager for the facilities project and discussed the substitute levy that will appear on March 19 primary ballots in the village.

  • Residents, educators air concerns over school performing arts space

    On Thursday, Feb. 8, local residents, students and educators implored the members of the school board not to divert funding away from the performing arts space planned for the district’s facilities improvement project.

  • School board to hire Ruetschle Architects facilities improvement design

    The school district’s facilities improvement project — particularly its timeline for both design and construction — was the topic of focus at a special meeting of the school board Wednesday, Jan. 24.

  • School facilities improvement process begins

    At its Dec. 14 regular meeting, the Yellow Springs Board of Education took its first step toward realizing the district school facilities improvements that were approved by voters last month.

  • Yellow Springs school board appoints Scott Fife

    On Friday, Sept. 1, the Yellow Springs Board of Education unanimously voted to appoint local resident Scott Fife as a member of the board.

  • Yellow Springs Board of Education approves facilities levy resolution

    At its most recent regular meeting Thursday, June 8, the Yellow Springs Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution of necessity to place a combined bond issue and income tax levy for upgrading local school facilities before voters on Nov. 7.

  • YS Schools facilities | Two new options, four total considered

    By meeting’s end, school board members had pared the potential facilities plans to four — two fewer than at the board’s regular meeting the previous week.

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