
Articles About Gerrymandering

  • Redistricting Update | Groups renew legal challenges

    In a 5–2 vote that followed party lines, the Republican-dominated Ohio Redistricting Commission will to go back to the drawing board to produce new district maps for the state’s General Assembly.

  • State redistricting plans unconstitutional

    Ohio Democrats and state chapters of the NAACP, ACLU and League of Women Voters, among other groups and voting rights advocates, are hailing a pair of rulings by the Ohio Supreme Court last week that found the state’s recent redistricting efforts to be unconstitutional.

  • Ohio redistricting reform on ballot

    n the battleground state of Ohio, if about half of all votes are cast for Democrat candidates and half for Republicans, then why are three-quarters of its congressional representatives Republican? Gerrymandering, say experts.

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