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Articles About income tax

  • Village Council discusses vendor fees

    At its most recent meeting on Monday, Nov. 21, Village Council members heard a first reading of an ordinance aimed at tracking and regulating door-to-door sales people and itinerant vendors who sell their wares in the village. If the legislation passes as read, vendors will be required to register monthly with the Village and pay a $25 fee each month.

  • Village Council— hold on hotel tax requested

    Employees and supporters of the Mills Park Hotel voiced full-throated opposition to a potential municipal sales tax on hotel customers at Village Council’s June 5 meeting.

  • Local Yellow Springs businesses hold steady

    While the top five businesses in Yellow Springs generate about a third of the Village’s total income tax revenue, dozens of smaller businesses together contribute a significant portion of the total.

  • Some tax drop, but hope for future

    The income tax decline in the Yellow Springs school budget has been news in recent weeks, and Village government has also seen a downturn in income tax in the past two years. However, the Village tax loss is significantly less than that of the school district, and Village Manager Mark Cundiff sees reason to believe that the worst is over.

  • School income tax up slightly

    The recession kicked Yellow Springs hard in 2008, according to state income tax figures, and the school district is still reeling from a significant drop in income tax revenue from that year, which schools received in 2009.

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