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Articles About Ohio Sunshine Law

  • School board dives into ‘Sunshine’ rules

    The rules that Ohio’s school boards must follow in conducting a district’s business can be tricky to navigate, David Lampe, a partner with the Bricker & Eckler law firm, told Yellow Springs school board members during a recent board work session.

  • School board sets limits on public comments

    The Yellow Springs School Board’s regular meeting Thursday, April 12, was its first since the middle/high school principal took a medical leave of absence last month and allegations of sexual misconduct between high school students became public. However, the board kept discussions related to employee and student concerns to a minimum.

  • Village Council— New meeting rules approved

    At their Dec. 21 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously gave preliminary approval to a new ordinance on procedures for calling public meetings.

    “I feel strongly that we want to be as transparent as possible,” said Council President Judith Hempfling. “With this in place, I’m comfortable that we’ve done everything that we can do.”

  • Village seeks energy grant

    In the interest of supporting energy conservation measures, Village Council members agreed at a special meeting on Friday, Dec. 11, to sign the Village on as a municipal sponsor of a grant proposal to develop an affordable home retrofit process for energy efficiency. The Village will support Community Solutions and an area business in the application for federal stimulus grant money, which if awarded, will need further action by Council to participate in the program.

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