2024 Yellow Springs Giving & Gifting Catalogue

Little ups and downs

Mills Lawn parent Chris Bongorno, bottom left, has organized Walk to School Day since 2014. He was joined at this year’s Oct. 5 event by Jillian Bothwell, of Greene County Public Health, who handed out free reusable water bottles to students and educated them about the importance of choosing water over sugary drinks. Students and parents were also offered healthy snacks — along with a caffeine boost for the parents. Right Mills Lawn Kindergarten student Tanner arrived to school early with many of his classmates to celebrate Walk to School Day. He and his compatriots enjoyed snacks and a full hour of joyful, unfettered free time on the playground. (Photos by Lauren Shows)

2016 Walk To School (Photos by Lauren "Chuck" Shows)

2016 Walk To School (Photos by Lauren “Chuck” Shows)



















Little ones from the Yellow Springs Children’s Center flocked to the new toddler playground equipment at John Bryan Community Center last week. The playground was dedicated in the pouring rain the week before, but on this particular Friday morning, the sun was shining and the children’s faces were, too. Clockwise, from top left, Jordan Andrade, Kyla Randolph, Mona Lindsay, Miley Duncan and Addy Sheridan take one of the play structures by storm. Below, at left, Mona Lindsay “hangs out” on some of the climbing bars, while Madison Moore, at right, prepares to take a single quick whoosh to the ground. (Photos by Audrey Hackett)

YSCCC kids visit JBCP playground (Photos by Audrey Hackett)

YSCCC kids visit JBCP playground (Photos by Audrey Hackett)YSCCC

















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