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Articles About YSCCC

  • Little ups and downs

    Life’s little ups and downs

  • Mudpuppies: Children’s Center visits John Bryan Pottery

    Pictured above. from left, are Ethan Goodman, Devon Townsend, Alicia Lindsay and Evelyn Gauden, glazing their fragile pinch pot-inspired shakers and imagining what the glaze will look like after firing. (Photo submitted by Karly Strukamp)

    Seven children from the Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center spent a week learning the ins and outs of pottery and ceramics at John Bryan Pottery.

  • Children’s Center forges a new plan

    These Community Children’s Center supporters are planning a revitalization of the village’s only full-time early childhood education resource. Pictured at the center this week are, from left, administrator Samantha Seimer with Nevaeh Plambeck, board member Sarah Siff with her son, Harvey, Braden Derrickson, Ella Fodal, teacher Andrea Seigal-Hall, Evan Botkin and teacher Naomi Hyatt. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The Yellow Springs Children’s Center has been under severe duress this past year, with unprecedentedly low enrollment, 18 consecutive months of deficit spending, and the prospect of depleting its cash reserves sometime in 2015.

  • YSCCC head is reinstated

    After some tense discussion at last week’s special meeting of the Community Children’s Center Board of Trustees, almost half of the members of the board announced their intention to resign.

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