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Articles About road construction

  • Yellow Springs water loop construction continues

    Village Supervisor of Electric and Water Distribution Johnnie Burns, at left, is shown last Friday on Corry Street overseeing the work of GM Pipelines crews working on the water system loop completion project. To facilitate water flow, the GM crews are replacing old 8-inch pipes with 10- or 12- inch pipes at three locations: downtown, on the Antioch College campus, and on Herman Street. The project should be complete at the end of May. (Photo by diane Chiddister)

    Village utility crews are working on the loop completion project of the Village water system, which aims to improve water pressure and fire flow to downtown businesses, residents and Antioch College.

  • Green space funds proposed

    To preserve the Jacoby Greenbelt on the western edge of Yellow Springs, Village Council should have sufficient greenbelt funds to act quickly when landowners are ready to sell, according to Tecumseh Land Trust Executive Director Krista Magaw at Council’s Oct. 14 meeting.

  • Village Council — Sidewalk policy to change

    Recently Village Council took a first step toward changing Village policy on sidewalk maintenance, shifting from charging home-owners for sidewalk repairs to treating sidewalks similarly to streets, as part of the Village budget.

  • Council eyes sidewalk policy

    At their Oct. 4 meeting, Village Council members will continue a discussion on long-range Village sidewalk policy, and consider whether current policy, which assesses property owners for sidewalk repair, should be revised. “Something needs to happen,” Council member Karen Wintrow said last week, stating that Council should “provide more clarity and direction for citizens.”

  • Village applies for road grant

    At their Sept. 7 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved a grant application for state funding for the widening of a portion of Dayton-Yellow Springs Road, a move that is necessary to create an intersection for entering a new access road to the Center for Business and Education, or CBE.

  • Village road surfaces are being sealed

    Surface sealing is being performed as preventive maintenance on some village streets to keep the asphalt pliable and greatly extend its life.

  • Business park’s widened road elicits concern

    The Village of Yellow Springs is considering a plan to create a new entrance off Dayton-Yellow Springs Road directly into the Center for Business and Education (CBE), the new business park created by Community Resources on the west edge of the village. Though the authority to approve the intersection rests with the Greene County Engineer, Village Council will discuss the proposal when the park, which was annexed into the village in 2005, comes up for approval as a subdivision later this year.

  • Walnut St. repair ends soon

    Local drivers should be able to stop dodging trucks and orange barrels soon, as the roadwork on Walnut and Elm Streets is expected to be completed by the end of this week, according to Village Assistant Planner Ed Amrhein.

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