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Articles About strawbale home

  • Mudding puppies at the Antioch School

    In April, students and teachers started the straw bale playhouse project — which will have an open loft, a ladder and a slide — with a frame, followed by bales; last week they applied several coats of mud plaster. For more on the straw bale playhouse, go to (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The Antioch School students have been working with builders-in-residence Beth and Andy Holyoke to build a straw bale playhouse of the kindergartner’s design.

  • Clay, straw take center stage at Glen Helen

    Beth Holyoke and Käthi Seidl add the finishing touch to their clay woman that sits outside the Glen Helen Building where their artwork is on display. The ‘Clay!’ exhibit continues through November 3. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Whenever Beth Holyoke begins planning a new exhibit for her artwork, she considers how the work will interact with the larger exhibit space.

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