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Articles About village finances

  • Village utility changes beget odd bills

    The trepidation accompanying monthly bills has been on the increase over the past electric and water billing cycles, as a number of Yellow Springs residents have received significantly higher than usual utility bills.

  • Council questions water plant hike

    Council members considered that question at their March 7 meeting whether the village could recoup some of the money it paid for initial designs of the new water plant, given that cost turned out to be grossly inaccurate.

  • Village Council— Landlords protest change

    At Village Council’s March 16 meeting, Council members heard a second full-throated protest by local landlords to a proposed new Village policy holding landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts.

  • Village Council— Landlords protest policy

    At Village Council’s March 2 meeting, local landlords made clear that they are not happy with a proposed policy change that would hold them responsible for their tenants’ unpaid utility bills. “Look at the cause and effect. Landlords will not expose themselves to this type of liability. You’ll get higher rents,” said Dean Pallotta. It’s […]

  • Yellow Springs village revenues higher than expected

    A mid-year budget review at Village Council’s July 21 meeting offered good news regarding Village general fund revenues.

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