
From The Print Section :: Page 79

  • 2022 Ohio Primary results

    Of the 118,083 registered voters in Greene County, only 29,706 county residents cast their votes — just 25% of eligible voters. A total of 22,014 Republicans voted, 6,957 Democrats and 735 non-partisans.

  • HB 126 could impact school tax revenue

    A bill passed earlier this month by both the Ohio House and Senate is on track to impact the ways school districts are able to collect tax revenues — including in Yellow Springs.

  • ‘Shrek: The Musical’ to debut

    This week, the young thespians of YS High School and McKinney Middle School were in the last galvanic days before that transformation as they prepared to perform “Shrek: The Musical.” The production will be staged Friday–Sunday, May 6–8, in the Paul Robeson Cultural and Performing Arts Center at Central State University.

  • Samples show COVID in Yellow Springs wastewater

    Recent local wastewater samples show an increase in COVID-19 viral shedding in the village over the past couple of weeks

  • 2022 Primary | Two villagers vie for precinct captain

    Precinct captains promote voter registration, work to encourage early voting and support election-day processes. They provide important information to their precincts about candidates running for office and hot-button issues that may affect voters’ lives.

  • The Veganry joins local food scene

    The Veganry, the newest addition to Yellow Springs’ smorgasbord of restaurants, will hold its grand opening on Saturday, April 30. The limited menu will appeal to vegans and nonvegans alike.

  • All I Care to Eat | Ham, cheese and memory

    “I had the best sandwich of my life in the summer of 1993. I was 9 years old, and my dad had just installed a cheap, above-ground swimming pool in our backyard. We lived in Jonesville, Ky., a rural community of about 150 people at the time.”

  • COVID Update | April 28, 2022

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Ohio’s number of new COVID-19 hospitalizations also rose, from 317 for the week of April 8–14 to 428 for April 15–21.

  • Planning Commission reviews ‘Spring Meadows’

    Miamisburg-based development company DDC Management LLC presented a preliminary plat application for a 92-lot subdivision to the Yellow Springs Planning Commission during the commission’s most recent meeting Tuesday, April 12, conducted online via Zoom.

  • YS school board considers levies timing

    Yellow Springs school district Treasurer Jay McGrath told school board members during their last regular meeting that now is the time to start thinking about what they want to do about the current permanent improvement levy that expires at the end of 2023.

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