Yellow Springs School Board Section :: Page 17
Schools broaden elective choices
Teachers and administrators of Yellow Springs High School and McKinney School met last month to compose a new class schedule for next school year, which allows students greater flexibility and leverages teachers’ time to create more core electives.
Roosevelt speaks on crisis in public education
Last Saturday Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt, the former superintendent of Pittsburgh schools, spoke on the American educational crisis at an event cosponsored by the Antioch College Morgan Fellows and the Yellow Springs public schools.
School’s 2020 plan kicks off
The Yellow Springs School Board’s Class of 2020 strategic planning process kicked off Saturday morning with a community workshop.
School’s 2020 plan kicks off
The Yellow Springs School Board’s Class of 2020 strategic planning process kicked off Saturday morning with a community workshop at the Glen Helen Building.
School’s 5-year forecast in red
The current school district budget picture, as presented by district Treasurer Dawn Weller at the school board’s Oct. 14 meeting, shows that expenditures are increasing at a greater rate than revenues, and the local district will begin running a negative cash balance at the beginning of the 2013 school year.
Basora puts schools to task
Taking the first action step toward turning the Yellow Springs district into a model for 21st century education, Superintendent Mario Basora presented a four-page goal chart and timeline for the current school year to school board members at their meeting on Monday, Sept. 9.
Class of 2020 Initiative—Schools eye strategic plan
Change in any organization can be brought about by a shift in leadership, a shift in demand for service, or a shift in budgetary balance, or, as in the case of the Yellow Springs Exempted School District, it can be induced by all three forces at once. This fall the district will tackle the Class of 2020 Initiative to formulate a strategic plan to guide the schools through the next 10 years.
Board approves GCESC contract
At its July 8 meeting, the Yellow Springs Board of Education approved the renewal of a contract with the Greene County Educational Services Center, or GCESC, for special education services for the coming school year, although most board members expressed a reluctance to do so, given the high price tag.
School fiscal crunch is topic of a community meeting
There was an “elephant in the room” at the June 17 emergency Committee of the Whole school board meeting to discuss the district’s financial shortfall, according to villager Rachel McKinley.
Basora top choice for superintendent
Yellow Springs school board members will soon visit Wyoming Middle School in Cincinnati, the top performing school in the state — and the home school of superintendent finalist candidate Mario Basora, who was announced as the finalist at the Thursday, April 8, school board meeting.
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