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  • The Riding Centre celebrates 50 years—Louise Soelberg’s legacy trots on

    At the edge of the Glen next to a recently refurbished barn, the 8- to 10-year-olds tack up their horses. They stand on their toes to brush the horses’ backs, stoop to clean their hooves and then wind up to hoist their bulky saddles up and over in hopes that they’re centered enough to ride. Too small to mount from the ground, the young riders climb on from a set of steps in the outdoor ring and wait for Carolyn to check their stirrups. They sit high up in the air on Whisper, Honeypepper, Salty and Chipper, animals 20 times their size, which they are learning to lead and care for.

    For 50 years the Riding Centre in Yellow Springs has operated for this purpose, to teach people how to be with horses.

  • MLS drops rank to ‘effective’

    This year Mills Lawn School has dropped a tier in the state ranking system, from “excellent” to “effective,” because of lower demonstrated proficiencies on the Ohio Achievement Test. According to school report card information published online by the Ohio Department of Education, or ODE, at, McKinney Middle School and Yellow Springs High School are […]

  • Village is ‘best hometown’

    If you think Yellow Springs is a wonderful place to call home, the editors of Ohio Magazine agree with you. They recently announced that the village has been selected as one of five “Best Ohio Hometowns” for 2010. “It’s a great opportunity,” Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Karen Wintrow said of the selection […]

  • Filmmakers strike a nerve with D.C. ‘Tea Party’ march video

    “We knew when we were putting it up that if it had a certain quality and speed, it might get attention,” Whiteside said.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    The YSHS football team lost 51–6 to Toronto High School on Friday, Sept. 18.

    Bulldog Roland Newsome brought down Toronto’s kickoff at their 30-yard line, but the visitors scored in the first three minutes of the game. That was followed by four touch downs in the first quarter.

  • Johnnie Paul

    Johnnie Ray “Peck” Paul, age 78, of Jamestown, passed away Sunday, Sept. 20, at his residence. He was born October 15, 1930, in Norwood, Ohio, the son of Alva H. and Mildred (Reid) Paul. He grew up in the Yellow Springs area. He was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers, Donald and […]

  • Alumni housing needed for Antioch College reunion

    Villagers who want to contribute to enhancing the relationship between Yellow Springs and the recently-revived Antioch College have an opportunity to do so by opening their homes to alumni for the upcoming Antioch College alumni reunion. “The idea is to keep building the network between town and gown,” said Steven Duffy, the assistant director of […]

  • Board of education meeting—Why fewer girls in YSHS sports?

    At the Sept. 10 Yellow Springs Board of Education meeting, the board heard a presentation on data regarding why local female youth participate less in sports than their male peers. Overall, the report stated that upper-grade girls, most of whom had played sports in lower grades, now found less satisfaction in sports, rated themselves as […]

  • Council considers new group with economic advisory role

    At their Sept. 8 meeting, members of Village Council continued an earlier discussion regarding how the Village should best approach economic development. At issue was a motion by Council President Judith Hempfling that Council establish an economic sustainability committee. Council did not take action at the meeting due to concerns from Council members Kathryn Van der Heiden and Karen Wintrow that Council’s new economic sustainability staff person, who has not yet been hired, should be on the job before an advisory group is established.

  • Yellow Springs as retreat for women

    The local artist and new business owner is working to make sure that desire becomes a reality with Getaways for Women, a retreat service that she hopes will introduce area women to the village’s many resources.

    With all the abundance and richness in town, “I’m like a connector,” Mellon said. “I’m a local host.”

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