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  • Mona Howard

    Mona Ruth (Jackson) Howard died on August 18 at age 84 with sound mind and spirit. She was born August 31, 1925, in Bellefontaine, to Mary Ann and Robert Irvin Jackson. She retired from Wright-Patterson Air Force base in 1976, after employment as a computer systems analyst. She was known for creating beautiful beaded jewelry […]

  • William Pearson

    William Solomon “Sol” James Pearson died on Sept. 8. Born in St. Louis, Mo., on Sept. 24, 1932, to the late Herman and Eula Pearson, William was the beloved fourth child and was baptized at the age of 8. The family moved to Massillon, Ohio, when he was 13, where he attended Washington High School. […]

  • Antioch College alive and independent again

    “I’ve waited a long time to say this,” Matthew Derr, chief transition officer for the Antioch College Continuation Corporation, said to hundreds of villagers on Friday afternoon. “Welcome to Antioch College.” The event was the Sept. 4 signing ceremony that transformed Antioch College from a part of Antioch University to an independent liberal arts institution, and brought the college, which has been closed for a year, back to life.

  • AAUP admonishes Antioch University

    After nearly a year of detailed investigation of Antioch University’s leadership system, the American Association of University Professors released a report stating that there was no “imminent financial crisis” when the university announced in 2007 that it would suspend operations at Antioch College the following year. The 60-page document was released Sept. 1, three days […]

  • Council approves partner registry

    At their Sept. 8 meeting, members of Village Council voted unanimously in favor of a first reading of an ordinance that will revise Village ordinances to add a domestic partnership registry along with language that prohibits discrimination or intimidation based on sexual orientation. Council voted 5–0 for the change, with Judith Hempfling, Karen Wintrow, Lori […]

  • Uncle David makes new life in YS

    The glass jar of Mardi Gras beads that sits on David Fleming’s living room shelf reminds him of the city in which he was born, raised and expected to live out his years. But among the many things that Hurricane Katrina upended were Fleming’s plans for his life.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    The Lady Bulldog soccer team lost 6–1 to a Sidney Lehman powerhouse on Saturday, Sept. 5, in which Anna Karling Khan scored the team’s only goal, unassisted. The Yellow Springs team then lost 3–0 to Dayton Christian on Tuesday, Sept. 8, when keeper Katie Triplett held back the Warriors with dozens of saves and Lucy Callahan had a near-miss on a goal.

  • Dale Harris

    Dale Harris of Yellow Springs passed away at Springfield Regional Medical Center on Sept. 4, after a brief illness. He was 67. Born on May 10, 1942, in Clifton, Ohio, to Oran T. and Calidonia (Reed) Harris, Dale served in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. He was retired from Vernay Labs after […]

  • Recreational youth basketball to start

    Recreational youth basketball for girls and boys takes place Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Bryan Community Center gym. Parents and guardians must complete a registration form at their child’s first attendance. Older players (grades five and six) should come ready to play from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and younger players (grades […]

  • On Friday, Antioch independent once again

    “There’s never been a story like this in higher ed.”

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