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Request for Proposal: Lighting Conversion or Retrofit

The Village of Yellow Springs is issuing a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) for the acquisition and installation of a village wide street lighting conversion or retrofit through the use of Induction Lighting to reduce energy usage and overall maintenance costs associated with operation of street lighting.  The proposal should also include removal of existing street lights and fixtures and disposal of existing street lights as necessary.  The Village’s goal is to procure a street lighting solution which will introduce essentially new technology to improve the overall lighting quality and levels on village streets, integrating such technology into the existing street lighting system at the lowest possible cost consistent with maximum energy savings, and minimal maintenance and cost of ownership, as well as optimizing the equipment payback period and equipment life cycles for said improvements.

The Village is soliciting bids for the following number and type of fixtures:

•    8,400 watt
•    57,200 watt
•    129,100 watt (please provide information on price breaks at 10, 25, 50 and 100 quantities)

Proposers shall include the following information:

1.    An estimate of installation, refitting, and removal costs.  An alternate bid for the costs of the street lights and fixtures only.
2.    Unit cost of each conversion or retrofit installation.  Please break out material and labor costs.
3.    An estimate of typical maintenance, warranty and service contract costs.
4.    The average lifetime of the installed items.
5.    Information regarding lighting output of proposed lighting to existing lighting.
6.    An analysis of total cost of ownership.
7.    An estimate of the payback period comparing the existing lighting to proposed lighting.
8.    Information to support an independent analysis of items.
9.    Information on prior experience in performing the proposed work.
10.    Timeframe for completion of work once project is awarded to proposer.
11.    Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of return on investment, reduction in energy usage, proposer’s past performance and contribution to the Yellow Springs economy.

Note: Vendors will provide samples of proposed lighting units for evaluation at the request of the Village at no charge. The lighting unit selected for purchase will be invoiced at vendor’s quoted unit price. Lighting units not selected will be returned to the vendor.

Issue Date: September 17, 2010

Proposal Closing: Proposals are to be submitted in a sealed envelope with the respondent’s company name and Yellow Springs Street Lighting Conversion Project clearly stated on the envelope and submitted to the Village of Yellow Springs, 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387, and attention:  Mark Cundiff, Village Manager.  Proposals are to be received no later than October 8, 2010.  Proposal received after the closing date will be returned to the submitter unopened.  Questions regarding this proposal must be submitted in writing to the Village Manager no later than seven (7) days prior to the closing date stated herein.  Questions received later this stated timeframe will not be acknowledged.

Mark Cundiff, Village Manager


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