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  • School’s 2020 plan kicks off

    The Yellow Springs School Board’s Class of 2020 strategic planning process kicked off Saturday morning with a community workshop.

  • Baldwin buys Kings Yard

    The sale of the long building of shops in Kings Yard that was auctioned off in April was finalized last week by the purchaser, Bob Baldwin.

  • Council approves 2011 Village goals

    At their Dec. 6 meeting, members of Yellow Springs Village Council unanimously approved their overarching principles and goals for 2011.

  • Faces of first-time buyers in YS

    Geno and Krystal Luketic are the sort of young couple that local leaders hope will settle in the village. However, while Geno continues his work at the pottery shop, the Luketics are no longer village residents.

  • Company seeks local oil, gas

    Traffic was disrupted for several days last month just north of Yellow Springs as a large truck took seismic readings of rock formations thousands of feet below the roadways.

  • Mills Lawn kids respond to hunger

    Resse Elam, left, and Aza Hurwitz shuttle food to the Methodist Church pantry

    Before breaking for the holidays, students at Mills Lawn collected and delivered food for those in need.

  • WYSO to host Ira Glass

    WYSO will host a personal appearance by Ira Glass on Sunday, May 22 at the Victoria Theatre in Dayton, Ohio.

  • A farewell to Matthew Derr

    A crowd of Antioch College staff and supporters applaud Matthew Derr for his three years of service to the college. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At a reception for departing Antioch College interim president Matthew Derr last week, college staff praised him for his patience, unswerving leadership and unflagging optimism.

  • A little brass in your stocking

    The Yellow Springs Brass! performed their tenth annual Christmas Carol benefit last Saturday afternoon outside the Underdog Cafe. The street concert was to raise money for the Yellow Springs Emergency Welfare Fund. Click here to listen to “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”

  • Company seeks local oil, gas

    Traffic was disrupted for several days last month on West Enon and North Fairfield Roads just north of Yellow Springs as a large truck took seismic readings of rock formations thousands of feet below the roadways.

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