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  • A place for wellness, connections among women

    Holistic bodyworker Marybeth Wolf, left, recently joined doula, massage therapist and trauma healer Amy Chavez at Bhakti House on East Herman Street. In addition to continuing their separate practices, they will co-run workshops for women on herbalism, bodywork and birth care. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Marybeth Wolf and AmyCchavez will jointly run Bhakti House on East Herman Street, and focus on bodywork, botanicals and birth care.

  • Increase in need seen among villagers

    According to the Village Utility Department Clerk Susie Butler, as of this week 181 local households are over 60 days behind in their utility bills.

  • Year-round harvest— A field of greens among the white

    John DeWine and Michele Burns stood amongst the prolific kale of the wood-heated greenhouse at their Yellow Springs-Fairfield Road farmstead, Flying Mouse Farms. Their farm is the only source of local greens for direct purchase in the winter.

    At Flying Mouse Farms in Yellow Springs, there is no off-season.

  • Rwandan visitors heading home

    Espérance, left, a student from the Byimana School of Sciences in Rwanda, said goodbye to her host family, Savita, Saba and Vijay Bathija this week. Two students and a teacher spent three weeks in Yellow Springs, living with host families, attending school and trying activities such as skiing. They make the journey home today. (Submitted Photo)

    Yellow Springs has been host to several Rwandan students and school officials over the past few weeks.

  • BLOG — Symbols of a prosperous 2011

    Lauren Heaton

    When asked about the meaning of Christmas, my grandmother would always reply with a boisterous step, “Happy Birthday Jesus!” But asked about the meaning of New Year’s, her speech would suddenly assume a more reverent cadence.

  • When asked about the meaning of Christmas, my grandmother would always reply with a boisterous step, “Happy Birthday Jesus!” It’s about all one could expect from a woman who grew up with Buddha as the household deity, and still thought of going to the shrine as a punishment. But asked about the meaning of New […]

  • World-class musicians play at FMC benefit

    Friends Music Camp staff and campers will present a benefit concert for the camp’s scholarship fund on Wednesday, Dec. 29, at 7:30 p.m. at the Friends Care Community.

  • College presidential family finds home in Yellow Springs

    New Antioch College President Mark Roosevelt moved to Yellow Springs this month with his family to begin a new chapter in higher education.

  • Today? Why it’s Christmas day!

    It’s Christmas time! Enjoy your time with friends and family. Rejoice and be merry.

  • Housing needs study considered

    Whether or not to hire a consultant to develop a housing needs assessment for Yellow Springs was a topic at Village Council’s Dec. 6 meeting.

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